Cloud Computing assesment with GCP templates


Our first assignment for the Cloud Computing module was to create templates for the development and repeatable deployment of scalable cloud services for a large organisation for the development and repeatable deployment of scalable cloud services for a large organisation using a combination of DevOps focused console and template tooling. In this post I will cover just a few templates because some of them are really basic and don't need any explanation. You can see all the templates here!

Management VM

All the virtual machines created using those templates are put into into management groups. Thanks to this, we can manage them as a single unit. You could think of it like a Scale Set on Microsoft Azure. However, a one VM that we can actually connect to is required for proper managing and this is exactly what the following template is for:

External Load Balancer

This is the part where I start showcasing the deployments I'm most proud of. Here I combined autoscaler with an external load balancer. Configuring the latter took me some time but it works and it works perfectly!

Here's the autoscaler:

And here's the load balancer:


This section took me the longest to configure correctly but because of that it is also my biggest achievement in this assignment!